M & E, Data Management & Analysis for Agriculture & Rural Development Programmes Course. (11th - 15th September 2017) Nairobi, Kenya

M & E, Data Management & Analysis for Agriculture & Rural Development Programmes Course

The demand for data on impact of policies, programmes and interventions on agriculture and rural development is rapidly growing. Both governments and civil society have a need for information on food and nutrition conditions and trends and the impact of policies and interventions
Monitoring, evaluation and impact assessment are undertaken by governments, NGOs, international agencies and donors. The course emphasizes the need for careful selection of indicators in designing information support systems at various administrative levels and the skills required for analysis and interpretation of data collected for policy making.
The course is job-oriented and the training approach is interactive. It provides the participants with the possibility to learn from expert facilitators as well as from each other.

5 Days

The training targets staff of governmental and non-governmental organisations from policy and planning; staff at the national and sub-national level with responsibility for promoting community and household food and nutrition security within different sectors (agriculture, education, health, community development, local government, and planning); staff working at management and co-ordination level in the planning, management, implementation and monitoring of community food security and nutrition programmes or rural development programmes with nutrition components; staff working in action-oriented research, advisory and teaching positions directly relevant to food and nutrition security; and MSc students.

Upon completion of the course you will:
• Understand the role of food and nutrition security for attaining the MDGs
• Understand the principles of participatory and learning orientated planning, monitoring and evaluation in food and nutrition security
• Have new insights in the principles of participatory and learning-oriented planning, monitoring and evaluation in food and nutrition security;
• Have strengthened your competence to design an M&E-system including assessments for food and nutrition security programmes and/or projects;
• Have clear ideas for improving M&E systems and impact assessments for food and nutrition security.

How to participate
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View Project Management Monitoring and Development Evaluation Institute Course Catalogue
For further inquiries, please contact us on Tel: +254 715 077 817, +254 (020) 211 3814, +254 731240802, +254 735331020.
Email outreach@indepthresearch.org