This training aims introduce and enhance the participants’ knowledge on research design & methodology, data management, analysis, inferences and reporting of research findings. The participants will be exposed to Mobile Based Data collection using ODK, use of Ms-Excel and Statistical analysis software of interest (Stata/SPSS/R).
Training objectives
The training is aimed at introducing and equipping participants with skills in; Planning for selecting appropriate research design; Prevention of potential errors in research planning stage and control; Sample Size determination and use of sampling techniques; Designing survey tools (e.g. Questionnaires) and use om mobile based data collection techniques (ODK); GIS Mapping; Data Management and Analysis using Ms-Excel; Data Entry, Management and Manipulation using Stata/SPSS/SAS/R; Importing/ exporting datasets; Quality checks of datasets; Generating tables and graphs and creating a syntax for the output (Stata/SPSS/SAS/R); Analysis of Survey data using inferential statistics using Stata/SPSS/SAS/R and making Inferences; Report writing
Training Venue: Nairobi, Kenya
Duration: 10 Days
Module 1: Statistical/Recap to Statistics Concepts
Module 2: Research Design and Data collection tools & techniques
Module 3: Mobile Based data Collection using ODK and GIS Mapping
Module 4: Data Management and Analysis using Ms-Excel
Module 5: Data Management and Analysis using statistical softwares: (Stata/ SPSS/R)
Module 6: Data Entry, Management and Manipulation using Stata/SPSS/SAS/R
Module 7: Graphic, tabulations and output management using Stata/SPSS/SAS/R
Module 8: Analysis of Survey data using inferential statistics using Stata/SPSS/SAS/R and making Inferences
Module 9: Regression analysis using Stata/SPSS/SAS/R and making Inferences:
Module 10: Report writing for survey findings, Dissemination and Use
This training can also be customized for your institution upon request. You can have it delivered your preferred location.
To view event details and register online for attendance, click on this link [EVENT DETAILS & ONLINE REGISTRATION17]