Integrating gender in scientific research for research quality & equal impact Course
In 2016, the ambitious 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were launched to succeed the 8 Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) that ended in 2015. The SDGs besides having a gender equality goal, every other goal has a gender dimension in it. In implementation of the SDGs, development research led by science is essential in providing information based on evidence through data gathering. Scientific research have proved that gender norms affect who does the research, how research is prioritized, how the research is designed and conducted, and how data is interpreted & shared as well as the impact of the research at the community level and globally. In a situation where research is gender subjective, the consequence will escalate to formulation of policies, legal frameworks and laws that are not gender inclusive thereby perpetuating gender inequality in the society.
Integrating gender into scientific research will improve the quality and relevance of research, lead to new ideas and ways of thinking about issues, and new interpretations of data resulting to possible innovations for men and women.
The course target researchers, students and statistics producers and users who aim to influence the process of gender statistics collection, analysis and use. This includes policymakers and staff from government agencies.
5 Days
By the end of the course, learners will learn:
• What integrating gender into research entails
• Importance of integrating gender into scientific research for development
• How to integrate gender dimensions into the different stages of scientific research
• How to integrate gender for better research quality, output and impact
• How to ensure their research informs wider continental and global agendas such as Agenda 2063 and the a Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) respectively,
• How to ensure research contributes to change in the community livelihood.
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