In most countries, marketing problems are currently regarded as beyond the scope of field-level agricultural extension workers who are the officers in direct contact with the farmers. Therefore, the farmer has to take on commercial and marketing skills. Marketing is the process by which the space between the producer and the consumer is bridged. The process obviously involves transport and techniques for minimizing crop losses An effective distribution system will also require the establishment of rural businesses such as truck drivers and packaging manufacturers contractors and wholesalers. The production/marketing chain is a two way process. Produce flows from the rural areas into the cities; money and market information should flow back. As tastes in the city market evolve, the rural community can use this market information to target its production accordingly. This course aims to enhance farmers’ ability in commercial production planning, management of vegetables, tropical fruits, flowers and ornamental plants and to focus on crops produced in order to make it available commercially, particularly with those which have high market potential in participants’ home countries.
5 days
This course is intended for various actors in the Agriculture Extension (Agricultural extension officers, senior agricultural officials and policy makers) working with communities, in governments, funding agencies, Research organizations and non-government organizations among others for Agriculture support activities and other Development programmes.
By the end of the course, learners will be able to:
• Have a clear definition of the concept of horticulture
• Have an outline of the key factors in horticultural production
• Gain knowledge on the salient features of floriculture, vegetable and fruit sectors
• Understand on the post-harvest handling of horticultural crops
• Gain knowledge on the techniques applied in management of pests in horticultural crops
• Gain knowledge about the horticultural market development
• Production Technology
• Vegetable and Flower Production
• Tropical Fruit Production
• Horticultural Marketing
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