- GIS for WASH Capacity Building (Using QGis),03- 07th July 2017, Nairobi Kenya.
- G.I.S Fundamentals (Mapping and Spatial Analysis) Capacity Building (Using ArcGIS 10.4), 03- 07th July 2017, Nairobi Kenya.
- Advanced GIS (Analysis and Geodatabases) using ArcGIS 10.4, 10- 14th July 2017, Nairobi Kenya.
- WebMapping Capacity Building Workshop, 17- 21st July 2017, Nairobi Kenya.
INTRODUCTION: The e-Enhancement Centre Ltd (www.e-enhancement.com) is a leading ICT-4-development consultancy in Africa with offices in Nairobi Kenya whose main agenda is promotion of ICT and Telecom standards through facilitation of various forums (Conferences, Seminars and Capacity Building Programmes) meant to equip the industry players with relevant and up-to-date information vital to the sound management of organizations through application of the modern ICT in various business sectors with our clientele organizations reading as who-is-who in the continent.
It is from this background that we invite delegates to GIS for WASH, GIS Fundamentals/ Advanced GIS and Web Mapping Workshops bringing together humanitarian experts to learn and share experiences from 03rd – 21st July 2017 in Nairobi Kenya.
For registration and Course Outline kindly contact:
Mr. Steve Njenga
The e-Enhancement Centre
Westlands Commercial Centre,
Ring Road, Westlands
Nairobi Kenya
+254 721 749 239, +254 736 699 276.
[email protected]
Skype: stevie.njenga