GIS data collection, analysis, visualization and Mapping Training (12th - 23rd March 2018)

This training introduces students to both the social and technical aspects of digital mapping. Students will learn fundamental concepts and techniques in cartography and GIS, including file types, data classification, projections and coordinate systems and elementary analytical techniques in a range of desktop and web-based mapping platforms. In addition to providing the fundamental technical competencies necessary to create maps, students will develop the critical awareness required to effectively communicate complex social processes through maps.

After completing this course, the student will be able to:

  • Define and differentiate between variety of spatial data models and formats
  • Explain and apply the basics of representation in GIS, including using vector and raster data formats, determining appropriate geographic coordinate system for a given spatial data file and applying the appropriate geographic projection to a map type and spatial scale
  • Manipulate geospatial datasets (e.g. cleaning, joining, querying, extracting)
  • Apply appropriate thematic map symbology to represent geographic phenomena
  • Produce static map products that integrate multiple data types and analytical methods
  • Obtain geospatial data from a variety of online sources and integrate into mapping processes
  • Integrate desktop GIS procedures with web-based mapping platforms


  • Module 1: Introduction to new maps plus, cartography and GIS, and creating maps in QGIS
  • Module 2: Thematic data mapping with table joins
  • Module 03: Geocoding and point in polygon analysis
  • Module 04: Hexbin and heat mapping
  • Module 05: Creating and editing vector Geometries
  • Module 06: OpenStreetMap data and Introduction to Geoprocessing tools
  • Module 07: Geoprocessing in QGIS and automating workflows
  • Module 08: Integrating QGIS with cartodb
  • Module 09: Advanced mapping techniques with QGIS and cartodb
  • Module 10: Bringing it all together (course project)


This training can also be customized for your institution upon request. You can have it delivered your preferred location.
For further inquiries, please contact us on details below:
Tel: +254 (0) 739167709.
Email: training

Register for the training online