Food Security Information Systems and Networks Course. (11th - 15th September 2017) Nairobi, Kenya

Food Security Information Systems and Networks Course

Software: Microsoft PowerPoint

The Food Security Information Systems and Network (FSISN) is a global initiative to strengthen food and nutrition security information systems for producing reliable and accurate data to guide analysis and decision-making. Food security analysis is a multi-disciplinary task, involving different sectors including agriculture, health and nutrition, environment and trade.
An inclusive food security analysis is required to provide decision makers with a comprehensive set of recommendations. One solution comes from better collaboration between existing data collection systems. FSISN serves as a neutral technical platform for exchanging expertise, knowledge and best practices, developing harmonized methods and tools, and facilitating capacity development onfood and nutrition security measurement and analysis. This five days training programme will enable the participants to develop and strengthen their skills and expertise in the food industry.

5 days

This course is intended for various actors in the Agriculture Extension (Agricultural extension officers, senior agricultural officials and policy makers) working with communities, in governments, funding agencies, Research organizations and non-government organizations among others for Agriculture support activities and other Development programmes.

Upon completion of the course, the learner will be able to:
• Understand the main objectives of a food security information system.
• Understand how key components of food security information systems support decision making processes.
• Understand the main purposes for which food security analysis is conducted.
• Identify the main users of and applications for food security information products.
• Identify the steps needed to assess different information systems concerned with food security analysis, in terms of their relevance and performance.
• Understand how to take advantage of identified strengths and how to address weaknesses in the food security information systems.
• Understand the importance of strengthening networking and collaboration between sub-national and national level information systems.

How to participate
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View Agriculture, Food Security and Rural Livelihoods Development Institute Course Catalogue
For further inquiries, please contact us on Tel: +254 715 077 817, +254 (020) 211 3814, +254 731240802, +254 735331020.
