Effective Reporting of Statistical Results for Survey Data Course. (18th – 21st September 2017) Kisumu, Kenya

Effective Reporting of Statistical Results for Survey Data Course

This course will provide training in new methods, techniques and best practices related to effective reporting of statistical results. The general aims of the courses are to enable participants to develop skills in writing statistical reports by introducing techniques to present findings based on statistical analysis in a clear, concise and understandable manner.

4 days

Upon completion of the training course, participants will be able to:
• Apply a common notion of quality in statistical communication;
• Write in a suitable style for the audience (incl. using statistical terminology appropriately);
• Choose the appropriate graph;
• Tell the story behind the figures;
• Make statistics attractive and understandable to non-expert audiences;
• Be able to apply this knowledge in their daily work environment.

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View Research, Data Management and Statistical Analysis Institute Course Catalogue
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