Climate change vulnerability and adaptation strategy Training (12th - 16th June 2017)


The significance and importance of evaluating vulnerability and adaptation strategies is that it identifies and measures the level of the short- and long-term threats (natural disasters, climate change) and the ability to cope with these threats, guides and supports decision-making, government policies, planning, international aid and investment, helps and orientates processes for deciding on priorities in strategies and initiatives to reduce vulnerability and adapt and, finally, for defining and applying measures aimed at reducing present and future vulnerability.


By the end of the training, participants will among other concepts gain a deep understanding of:

  • Terminologies in climate change vulnerability and adaptation
  • Concepts, frameworks, methodologies and tools for vulnerability and adaptation assessments
  • Vulnerability and Adaptation: From theory to practice.
  • Be involved in Practical exercises relating to climate change


  • Background Paper on International Debates in Climate Change Policy
  • Background on frameworks, methods and tools for vulnerability and adaptation assessments: How to move from reactive to proactive approaches.
  • Vulnerability and Adaptation
  • Concepts, frameworks and methodologies for vulnerability and adaptation assessments
  • Background on frameworks, methodologies and tools for vulnerability and adaptation assessments: How to move from reactive to proactive approaches
  • Vulnerability and Adaptation: From theory to practice.

DATE: 12 JUNE 2017
To view event details and register online, click on this link [EVENT DETAILS & ONLINE REGISTRATION]